Don't hesitate, contact me for any information.


662 587 3656

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My Process


Contact Me

Click on the Contact page and let me know what kind of portrait session you are interested in booking!


Book Your Session

I will email you my photography contract and invoice for your desired session date. You can easily pay your deposit online. Once the deposit and contract are received your session date is booked!


Take Your Portraits

This is where the magic happens! I will prepare your ideal portrait session based on your portrait requests and you get the star treatment. My goal is to create the most comfortable, fun and flattering environment for my clients so that the experience is just as exceptional as the final images.


Receive Your Images

You will receive an email with a link to your proofing gallery. There you can view all of the images from your session and select the ones that you want edited. Once your favorites are edited, I will email you a link to your completed gallery where you can download your images as well as order prints, canvases and extra digital images.


How many pictures will we receive?

Each session package has a unique number of edited digital images included. You can always purchase more digital images from your session at an additional cost.

How should we dress for our family session?

Dress in what you feel best in! That is my best advice. I can give you detailed guidance in color coordinating and style choices for family portraits. Feel free to reach out to me with any of these questions!

What’s the best time to have a session with a newborn?

The best time to take a newborn's portraits is between 10 days and 2 weeks after birth.

We don’t feel very confident in front of the camera, is that ok?

That is totally normal to feel that way. I make it my priority to create a comfortable environment and guide you every step of the way in capturing the best and most flattering images. Hopefully along the way, your confidence builds as well!